Saturday 4 August 2012

The XXX Olympics

So, another Olympic Games is here.
Every four years the people of the world, preferably those with televisions, are asked to get excited about sports that for the rest of the time they couldn’t care less about.
What is it all about?
Sport? Togetherness? Peace? Ritual? Symbolism? Money? Power?
Beyond the hype, the propaganda and the money, is there an agenda?
Is it time to question the Olympics?
What follows is a big whirling mass of fact, theory and interconnected ideas, very difficult to express in a coherent manner. Bear with me.
The Corporate Games
In a time of economic difficulty, does spending billions of pounds on a sporting event make sense? There was never any public debate or discourse about whether London should host the Olympics. This was a pre-planned event, not up for discussion.
Today the Olympics is a global corporate orgy. A global audience of billions is now possible through television and the internet. These massive companies, or Olympic ‘partners’, obtain record breaking audiences and world-wide exposure. Three of the companies who are falling over themselves to be involved are Coca-Cola, Mcdonalds and Cadbury, all known for promoting obesity, cancer, diabetes and heart disease around the world. A diet perhaps unsuitable for world-beating athletes.
The Olympic name, the Olympic logo, even the use of the word ‘Olympic’ by companies, is so tightly controlled and protected. This is an industry, a corporate interest. It is a supremely well protected, well-fed brand, a public relations triumph.
The International Olympic Committee is self-recruiting, insular and unaccountable.
There have been numerous cases of alleged IOC corruption over the years regarding everything from ticketing, to bribes being accepted for votes and even medals. Together with constant scandals involving doping, they have a lot on their hands to project a wholesome image.
The games are largely funded by the government, also known as tax-payers, of the host nation. The IOC incurs no cost, yet eagerly profits from merchandising, sponsorship and television rights.
The official budget of the games is £9.3 billion, three times the original budget announced by the government and in reality the cost is likely to be much higher, with estimates as high as £24 billion. Mounting security concerns are often blamed for the increase by officials. The original budget was £2.4 billion. In a time of economic difficulty, how can this kind of expenditure be justified? How long after the Games will the tax payer be left paying? Look at Montreal 1976, Sydney 2000, Athens 2004, Vancouver 2010, for examples of host countries from years gone by that were left with financial hangovers and disused stadiums. Details of the financing of the Winter Olympics in Nagano, Japan were reportedly burnt on the orders of IOC member Sumikazu Yamaguchi, so it doesn’t look like we will know what happened there any time soon.
London 2012 has been positioned as the brand new, modern, forward thinking, green Olympics. The Olympics is preaching unity and peace through sport, whilst also being elitist, only the chosen few may compete, or attend in person. It is quite literally a ‘new and exclusive’ Olympics, excluding many. As usual, if you’re rich, famous, in government or high up in industry, you stand a better chance of being allowed in. Criticisms over the difficulty in getting tickets have  detailed the unfair allocation given to members of the public, whilst corporate and government officials swallow them up. Many tickets have been offered as prizes by companies, yours providing you purchase their products of course. This is a ‘golden ticket’ scenario giving people false hope. 
Remember, you can celebrate the sustainable, peace-loving, green Olympics with your brightly coloured merchandise. Perhaps a toy mascot or pin badge, made in China by poorly paid child labour.
Everyone wants a piece of the Olympic pie, it is a platform which is used by many different agencies, companies, and groups, all very carefully selected, to promote an overall agenda which at the very least is bloated capitalism, far from the ideals of humble amateur sport. A selected few will be making a lot of money.
Giving a two week sporting event massive media attention gives it a significance beyond its true worth. The power of the media, television, advertising and the internet continuously convinces people that something has great importance merely because they see it everywhere. You cannot escape the reaches of London 2012 unless you decide to live in a barrel in the woods, and even then you may still hear the cheers.
The ancient Olympics were as much a religious festival as an athletic event, held in honour of the Greek God Zeus, in ancient Greece. Before each Games the Olympic flame is lit on this site in Olympia, using a parabolic mirror to focus the Sun’s rays, in a ceremony led by a group of women representing vestal virgins of ancient Rome, who were the protectors of the flame, the keepers of the sacred fire. The extinguishing of the flame would symbolise the extinction of society, or historically, the fall of the Roman empire. To let the flame go out traditionally meant the punishment of death.
In 1850 the Wenlock Olympian society was formed Dr William Penny Brookes in England, ‘to promote the moral, physical and intellectual improvement of the inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood of Wenlock, and especially of the working classes, by the encouragement of outdoor recreation and by the award of prizes annually at public meetings of skill in athletic exercises’. This was social engineering, a celebration and promotion of physical education, and perhaps another way of saying that he wanted a group of physically fit young soldiers to go to war. 
Brookes inspired Pierre de Coubertin, the man behind the revival of the modern Olympics, who saw the Olympics as being a way to lead a child-like society and direct it in a certain way. He had a moral vision. He considered himself an educator. He did not want people to be lazy, unfit, doing their own thing. He believed the common people needed to be herded into civilisation, taught what to do and helped by the clever elite. He insisted that play was not a biological urge, ‘being contrary to the animalistic tendency to conserve energy’.
This idea that humans need to be controlled. directed and organised strikes at the very heart of human freedom and creativity. Is there another example of a powerful historical figure who tried to direct the masses towards physical and mental perfection through hard work, competition and discipline?
Hitler used the Games as a propaganda exercise, an opportunity to display the military power of the Nazi war machine, certain athletes were barred from competing due to their ethnicity.

The torch relay itself was famously started by the Nazi’s in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin.

Pierre de Coubertin, wrote in 1970: ‘As to the admission of women to the Games, I remain strongly against it . It was against my will that they were admitted to a growing number of competitions.’ Does this sound like an inclusive, progressive celebration of sport? 

Social Impact
Who benefits from the Games beyond the obvious corporate interests?
1.25 million people in China had homes demolished and land confiscated for the Beijing 2008 Olympics.
36,000 were displaced for Atlanta 1996.
170,000 residents are under threat in Rio de Janeiro from both World Cup 2014 and Olympics 2014. 
In London, compulsory purchase orders have been used to remove home owners from Olympic sites. This basically allows the purchasing of land belonging to these residents without their consent.
Writer and activist Ashok Kumar said about this displacement: ‘The games are not simply hosted to clean up the city, but to fundamentally reconfigure it, to cleanse it of its poor and undesirable, to not only make way for a city by and for the rich, but to expand the terrain of profitable activity’.
After the Games, the facilities will largely be down-sized and privatised, allowing access only to the privileged few, despite them being paid for by the not so privileged many.
What has been the lasting physical legacy of previous Olympic venues? We may remember fondly the television spectacle, the opening ceremony, the fireworks, the gold medals, but what is the long-term effect? Are we simply moving in, exploiting the resources of the host country for the games, then leaving without so much as a ‘good-bye’? Tales are plentiful of disused stadiums, crippling debts and disillusioned people in previous host cities.
The 2012 Olympics will see the greatest security operation of any previous games. Thousands of police, private security, 13,000 military, even 500 FBI agents, will all be striving to ‘deliver a safe and secure Games’, which translates as stopping any protest, monitoring potential civil unrest and performing a show of military power and might, unseen on the streets of London for many years. The threat of riots and terrorism have been made top security concerns. The games is an opportunity for new security technologies to be used, such as robotic surveillance drones and sonic weapons. These are to be joined by warships, surface-to-air missiles and fighter jets. A licence to kill has been authorised. London is to be militarised.
It is a major world event that serves only to perpetuate the status quo. Organisers may preach peace and harmony but the games supports our human existence as it is. One of war, slavery, materialism, and subservience to an elite ruling class who direct this symbol-laden ritual and demand our participation. It is a tradition, a four-yearly event that we mindlessly accept. 
There have been concerns that a sporting revolution in the aftermath of the Games will not be honoured, politicians failing to deliver on promises made during the initial excitement surround the bidding process to host the Games. The Olympics continuously promises to transform the lives of ordinary people, and continuously fails to do so.
There is of course the contention that there is no ‘elite’, no group in charge of world events. Surely the proof against this argument is the careful, meticulously organised, ritual nature of this Games with its seemingly infinite budget and lack of accountability. Who is capable of such a feat other than an elite group of people who do not answer to the public?
‘Serious sport is war minus the shooting’ - George Orwell
Sport is the physical assertion of one person over another. Like war.
Sport encourages nationalism, tribalism, racism. Like war.
Sport involves loyalty, obedience, discipline, single-mindedness, power, competitiveness, heroism, ‘winning’. Like war.
War and the idea of the ‘good fight’, go hand in with the Olympic ideals.
The Olympics creates a patriotic, and therefore ultimately dividing spirit amongst viewers and participants. By having rules, sport reinforces the idea that we have to operate with rules and laws in society that are determined by our superiors.
Competitive sport is about winning. It is pseudo battle. It is about competition. Even in team sports, there is always a rival team, someone to be physically overcome. Sport, like war, is about beating your opponent, using mental and physical strength, tactical awareness and the will to win.
This reminds us of the Darwinian idea of evolution being life competing against life, rather than working together in a harmonious exchange of love. Like big-business, it is survival of the fittest.
You are not enough as you are. It is not enough just to be yourself, you are not good enough, you must strive to be better, faster, stronger…
Do stronger and healthier boys and girls make better citizens?
Better soldiers perhaps.
Why do we need these strong muscular bodies unless we are wanting to exert ourselves over others? Why do we need to run unless we’re running away from something or someone?
Is sport as good for our bodies as we may think? Many sports can be extremely stressful to the human body, with repetitive movements and heavy impacts causing long-term damage, for example: Boxing, weight-lifting and running. The stress of competitive sport on the mind should also not be underestimated, many athletes literally being taken away from the families at an early age in order to train for hours on end. Tremendous sacrifices are made in order to achieve success. What is the true price of being the best?
We watch the muscular, physically developed athletes, prowling around in their patriotic, colour-coded uniforms, swearing allegiance to their country of residence. They are supposed to serve as a model examples to us all. This is how you should be. Get off your backside and come and win medals for the Queen.
Is patriotism racism? We want our team to win. We want Team GB to beat the other nations. ‘Go Team GB!’ It is very difficult to go to a football match and not end up cheering along with the other spectators, getting caught up in the wave of energy surrounding big sporting events. We end up reinforcing the very patriotism that supports war and the forces behind it all, such as the Queen and the Monarchy. People do not want to fight. they want to get along. they are encouraged to fight by the government, and by religious and fanatical beliefs imposed by organisations.
Some athletes of course, crippled by the need to win, turn to drugs to enhance their performance and to help them achieve that all important gold medal.
All athletes bow down to the authority figure, whether it is the referee, drug tester, trainer or captain of their team. They are hard working but ultimately trapped by the schedule, sacrifice, the total involvement of the body, mind and spirit, leaving it unable to develop independently.
Critics of the Olympic ideals question the idea that athletic competition leads to greater understanding between nations, and therefore peace. World peace has not yet been achieved despite 116 years of modern Olympic competition. Are we any closer to peace than we were then?
If world peace, harmony and understanding between peoples is the goal, then is the Olympics really the way to achieve it?
Pierre de Coubertin said that ‘The important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part. The essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.’ Perhaps someone may have suggested to him that the idea of not fighting at all is best?
The games is the ultimate bread and circus, the ultimate distraction from politics or problems in society. It is also voyeurism for the elite. The rich ticket holders paying huge sums for the pleasure of watching the dedicated commoners in action. We are looking at a situation where athletes are being trained and bred like horses for the entertainment of the elite, like the gladiators of Roman times. It was of course the audience, in particular the Emperor, who benefitted from the ordeal, not the athlete.
Is there a furthering of the Transhumanist agenda of Olympics, the idea that humans lives and indeed, bodies can be improved through technological applications? Oscar Pistorius is ‘the fastest man on no legs’, a double amputee with 2 prosthetic legs. He is a sprinter, competing not in the Paralympics, but in the regular Olympics, opening up the debate about whether this is fair, or should be considered an unfair advantage over other competitors. Despite scientists initially determining that he had a physical advantage over regular athletes, the rules and laws of international competition were changed to allow him to compete. Which ever way you look at it, we are seeing the promotion of the idea of technological enhancements for humans being the way forward.
Symbolism, Ritual and Powering the ‘X’
When is a £24 billion sporting event about more than just sport?
The Olympics definitely seems to be greater than the sum of it’s individual parts.
The pictures, words, symbols and sounds used during the ceremony are all very important to those who are in charge. Is there a hidden, esoteric meaning beyond things just looking good and sounding nice? There seems to be two levels to this, the obvious, overt message, and the hidden, covert one. The symbolic support for the London 2012 can be seen by the logo which appears everywhere from food packaging to car adverts on television. The symbol is receiving our support every time we see it. Today we also see idol worship in the form of the celebrities associated with the Olympics, whether it is the fastest man in the world or pop star appearing in the closing ceremony. They too receive emotional respect, energy is given to them by us. The emotions surrounding both athletes and audience both in the stadiums and at home cannot be underestimated. Powerful energy is being transferred and we can form emotional links that stay with us forever.
There has been much written about the 2012 logo, which Iran famously criticised, pointing out the logo can be rearranged to spell ‘Zion’. The word Zion can be seen to stand for the idea of a rebuilding of Jerusalem and Solomons temple. In the secretive, magical Kabbalah religion, Tzion represents the spiritual point from which reality emerges.

The ‘Zion’ within the 2012 logo.

When the logo was criticised for its appearance, Sebastian Coe defended it saying: ‘This logo represents something we fundamentally believe in’. The logo does not look harmonious, peaceful, positive, it looks discordant, unnatural and unbalanced. This is complemented by the bright, jarring colours of this Games, the style is decidedly modern, brash and instantly recognisable.
Some of the more obvious symbolism comes in the form of the triangular lights in the Olympic stadium which evoke the pyramid on the reverse of the American $1 bill, complete with illuminated all-seeing eye, so often associated with secret societies like the Illuminati. Under the pyramid on the dollar bill reads: ‘Novus Ordo Seclorum’, the New Order of the Ages, or New World Order. The great plan unfolding, yet to be complete. This idea of an all-seeing eye, monitoring and controlling everything is also found in the very alien-looking mascots Wenlock and Mandeville, each with only one big eye, both said to be cameras that let them ‘record everything’, just like the CCTV cameras that are so common on the streets of Britain. The mascots were created by the design company Iris, if all that eye symbolism wasn’t enough for you.

Pyramid symbolism with illuminated all-seeing eyes.

The Ancient Olympic games was a religious tribute, featuring sacrifices to the gods, in particular, Zeus. Is it outside the realms of possibility that these sacrifices are still made today, in light of the earthquakes, terrorist attacks, and wars that have surrounded Olympic events?
The Olympic ‘cauldron’ which houses the flame during the Games sounds very magical and ritualistic. Are we looking at a magical event, beyond our five senses? The torch is supposed to represent the sun, freedom, enlightenment, but given what we have seen so far, in reality it actually means control, order, sacrifice, ritual, and secrets.

Lord of the Rings. Lord Sebastian Coe, the man behind London 2012. 
The five Olympic rings resemble the magicians trick of the linked metal rings. Do they symbolise the cycle of time of human existence, the repeating, never-ending reincarnation, stuck in this level of existence, this material world? Is the Olympics simply a continuation ritual? Locking us into five ages, the five rings of time? The Gnostics believed that the God or force that created the material world was a malevolent force, trapping us in this material world of existence.
The Greek goddess Nike features on all of the medals handed out to athletes. She is known as the goddess of victory, flying around battlefields and rewarding the victors with glory and fame. Sounds like war-worship and celebrity worship to me. She is often depicted with wings, and riding a chariot, reminding us of the Chariots of fire music which permeates London 2012. ‘Project Nike’ is an american anti-aircraft missile system and goddess Nike can also be found on the WWII U.S. victory medal, hardly peaceful appearances. The original football World Cup prize, the Jules Rimet trophy featured a depiction of Nike, another starring role with football being possibly the most popular sport in the world.
David Beckham, involved in much of the publicity behind the London Games, and poster-boy for Olympic sponsor Samsung amongst other companies, and chosen to be one of the last torch bearers before it enters the Olympic Stadium, has been described by Matthew Delooze as a kind of portable temple, recognised and worshipped by millions around the world, and adorned with esoteric symbolism which we unknowingly give energy and spiritual support to.

Just some of David Beckham’s symbolic tattoos.

The Olympics 2012 is the XXX Olympiad, or the 30th modern Olympic Games. Rik Clay talked about the symbolism of XXX, and linked this to the idea of the trinity found throughout the ages, for example in the stories of Mary, Joseph and Jesus, or Isis, Osiris and Horus of Egypt.
He said the Olympic site was the location where two ley-lines meet and that this was somehow linked to the collection of energy by having this massive symbolic energetic event here.
Rik, along with researcher Matthew Delooze, maintained that this was an energetic event, and like at festivals or concerts, it will be used to focus and gather human energy and manipulate the masses through their emotional support. Rik died a few months after talking about this in radio interviews and on his blog. The official story was suicide. Nothing to worry about.
The Olympic torch has zig-zagged it’s way around the UK, coming within 10 miles of 95% of the population. What better way to gain support and energy from the masses than to turn up in their home town with an entourage of entertainment and celebration?
The symbol of the X can be seen everywhere from Xbox, to The X Factor. We have the X on the top of our computer program or window, symbolically closing the window, closing the mind.
X is the 24th letter of the alphabet.
2+4=6, therefore XXX=666 the famous number of the beast or antichrist.
There is the XXX we sign in greetings cards, text messages and emails, the X in the Union flag of Great Britain, seen everywhere in this Jubilee year, from housing estates to biscuit packaging.
XXX is also found in the flag of amsterdam, the Netherlands is considered by many economic historians to be the first thoroughly capitalist country. It is still seen today as a progressive beacon of freedom when it comes to drugs or sex.
XXX if of course synonymous with sex and pornography. In 2011 .XXX became an internet domain extension for adult websites. As Rik pointed out, millions of people worldwide on internet porn sites are giving up powerful, life-giving energy to the XXX on a daily basis. He said the Olympics 2012 is going to be one of the biggest energetic events we have ever seen. An X can also be seen as the symbolic crossing of two streams, representing the east and the west, the new world and the old world, a symbolic uniting of the world.
This year Prince William was 30 years old. In roman numerals this is his XXX birthday.
What does this symbolism mean?
Are we seeing a powering of the X?

X Factor, Xbox and the Amsterdam Coat of Arms.
Royalty has featured heavily in the run up to the Olympics. The torch has visited Buckingham Palace, has been met by all of the significant members of the British Royal family and has been transported on the Royal barge Gloriana. Various Kings, Queens, Princesses and Barons from around the world are also descending upon London for the action, with the Games themselves being opened by the Queen.
The Royal family have claimed this land, this country, without any real justification. Nobody chose them or voted them into power, just as there was no public vote for the decision for London to hold the Olympics.
The slogan of the Beijing Olympics of 2008 was ‘One world - one dream’. This sounds very much like the much-feared ‘New World Order’, the world government which some say is on its way to further enslave humanity.
There seems to be no denying the fact that the whole Olympic event, from the creation of the flame at Mount Olympus in Greece, to the closing ceremony, is a series of carefully orchestrated, meticulously planned, well-funded, rituals. Perhaps occult rituals and ceremonies are required by the elite in order for them to remain in power over us?
What can we expect to happen at the Olympics then?
‘All we need is the right major crisis and the Nations will accept the New World Order’ - David Rockefeller
In May 2010, a document funded by the Rockefeller foundation entitled ‘Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development’ talks about a 2012 Olympic bombing, killing 13,000 people. Is this some kind of prediction?
Employees of security firm G4S have apparently been trained to prepare for mass evacuation of London and told that they will witness the ‘biggest historical event in the history of London’.
Concern has been growing about the possibility of a terrorist attack at the Olympics. Are we going to see another false-flag attack like 9/11? Anyone who has looked with an open mind into the events in New York on September 11th 2001 will know there are many unanswered questions, and many pointers suggesting the attack was an ‘inside job’, a situation created to get a required response. David Icke calls it ‘Problem, reaction, solution’. You create the problem, get the required reaction and offer the solution. So with 9/11 the problem was a destructive, deadly act of terrorism, blamed on a terrorist organisation, the reaction was horror, outrage and anger, the solution was the Patriot Act which severely limited freedoms of speech, movement and communication, and led to the imprisonment and torture of innocent people suspected of loosely defined terrorist activity. 
In 1994 researcher Serge Monast talked about Project Bluebeam, a plan by the elite to fake a second-coming of Christ in order to implement a one-world government, one-world army and one-world religion. This could incorporate themes, characters and symbols accessible to all religions, thus uniting all religious people in the chosen new religion. Serge conveniently died two years later, and since then this idea has been expanded to theories of staged alien invasion and manipulated natural disasters. Whether it is second-coming of Christ, alien invasion, or unnatural natural disaster, these potentially traumatic, energising events would be used to unite the nations of the world under a single power structure. Sounds like peace on earth right?
It seems that almost every big budget Hollywood movie contains either an end of the world, or alien theme, quite often both. Why? Is there an agenda to this? Or is it just entertainment? Films like ET, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Independence Day and Starship Troopers, are part of this constant teasing of the possibility of alien contact.
The most famous UFO incident came in 1947, in Roswell, New Mexico. An alien craft allegedly crash-landed, leaving debris and bodies on the desert floor. Recovered items are rumoured to have inspired progressions in military technologies after the event, but the facts are still disputed to this day, nobody seems to know what really happened. Why the mystery? I believe that this was a staged invasion scenario to test the reactions of the public and to plant the seed for a future staged invasion of Earth.
Orson Welles narrated a radio program on American radio in 1938 which was based on the HG Wells science fiction novel War of the Worlds. This was believed by many to be an actual news broadcast, causing hysteria and public outcry. Was this another experiment to see how people would react to the news of an alien invasion? Was it implanting the idea in the minds of the public that this could happen?
In 1988, American President Ronald Reagan said: ‘I occasionally think how quickly our differences, world-wide, would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.’
Researcher Ian Crane has detailed a possible plan to fake an alien invasion during the London Olympics closing ceremony. Like Project Bluebeam this would use secretive high level technology only accessible to the elite. Most people would be easily tricked into believing it was a real alien invasion and would go along with any subsequent law changes or government demands, out of fear, and in exchange for their own safety and security. 
The sonic device deployed by the military during the Olympics is intriguing. The Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) can be used to send verbal warnings over a long distance or focus a beam of pain-inducing tones at its target. This is a weapon that has already been used in Iraq, with soldiers using it as a ‘voice of God’ to try and fool the enemy into surrendering. Is this an example of technology which could be used in a project Bluebeam scenario?
The 1984 Olympic Games closing ceremony saw a staged UFO landing of a now almost laughable level of technical sophistication. But it was a staged alien invasion all the same. And the crowd at the time seemed genuinely shocked by what they were seeing. They had not expected it. The ‘UFO’ flew into the stadium and a 7 ft tall alien came out and spoke to the crowds. What was this UFO doing there in the closing ceremony of the Olympics? What does this have to do with a sporting event? Well, as we have seen, the Olympics is not just a sporting event.
Another popular X is of course, the X-files, and recent media coverage has been given to ‘Britain’s real X-files’. These are declassified, newly-released government documents describing UFO sightings in and around Britain.
Nick Pope who used to work for the Ministry of Defence on the ‘Real X-files’ is now a self-styled UFO expert, and has been a prominent figure in the media leading up to the Games, warning us to look out for UFOs, saying the Olympics is a prime time for an alien encounter, that the MoD has planned for both attack and invasion, and that we should be prepared for even the most seemingly unfathomable. He has said: ‘The logical course is to unite the world against the alien threat, combining our military strength and fighting under the United Nations. But some countries might not fight. We saw this type of treachery and cowardice in the Second World War. Though some brave people joined the Resistance, much of France accepted Nazi occupation’. Sounds like a racist war cry if ever I heard one. World War 3 anyone?
What about the theory of weather modification being used to create a disaster during the Games?
It is fact and a matter of public record that weather manipulation is not only possible, but is being carried out, and has been used for many years. One example of this came during the Beijing Olympics, where such technologies were used to prevent rain at the opening ceremony. And before Paul McCartney’s concert in Moscow in 2004, organisers again interfered with the weather to stop the predicted rain storm, replacing it with glorious sunshine. Yet when there are events such as catastrophic flooding around the world, questions are never asked about whether or not it could have been averted using such technology or indeed if such technology was used deliberately to cause it.
Are we going to see a man-made earthquake at the London Olympics?
Just two months before the Beijing Olympics in 2008 an earthquake rocked the Sichuan Province of China, killing nearly 70,000 people, and leading to an easing of the violent protests surrounding the then upcoming Olympics and worldwide sympathy despite many concerns surrounding human rights and freedom of speech. Convenient.
Wikipedia describes an earthquake as follows: ‘In it’s most general sense, the word earthquake is used to describe any seismic event, whether natural or caused by humans, that generates seismic waves’. Nikola Tesla, hailed by many as a forgotten genius, an influential inventor and scientist, was experimenting with an earthquake machine, now known as the Tesla Oscillator over 100 years ago. What are the chances that such technology hasn't been perfected by now? Wouldn’t the military want to closely safeguard such an invention? Is not the perfect weapon one which people don’t even know exists?
The song ‘Earthquake’ by Labyrinth has been performed live at some of the Olympic torch relay parties. The song contains the lyrics: ‘We need an earthquake up in here… We can make an earthquake up in here… I predict an earthquake up in here’. Is this some kind of twisted prophecy? Do they know something we don’t? Or is it just harmless entertainment with no underlying meaning?
The Great Kanto earthquake in Japan of 1923, claimed 140,000 lives and left nearly 2 million people homeless. Martial law was declared, the military patrolled the streets and a devastated Tokyo was completely reconstructed and modernised following the destruction. Problem, reaction, solution?
An earthquake in Haiti on January 12 2010 killed between 46,000 and 316,000, depending on which source you go with. The centre of the tremor was near the capital Port-au-Prince, which we will talk about later. Was this another engineered disaster? Some kind of ritual sacrifice?

Tom Daley in a rather apocolyptic-looking promotion for Cartoon Network in 2009.

Danny Boyle’s £27 million opening ceremony, coincidentally watched by 27 million people is entitled the ‘Green and pleasant games’. This is a reference to the William Blake poem ‘And did those feet in ancient time’, best known as the anthem Jerusalem, the last few lines reading as follows:
‘I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand:
Till we have built Jerusalem,
In Englands green & pleasant Land’
The poem represents the rebuilding of Jerusalem or Zion in England, and the idea that Jesus once travelled there. The recreation of the Glastonbury Tor acknowledges the esoteric, magical, and occult historical significance of another location that Jesus supposedly once visited, and where the Holy Grail was allegedly buried. Again, we have the ley-line significance of Glastonbury comparing to that of the Olympic stadium site. Researcher Ralph Ellis has discussed the idea that King Arthur and Jesus were the same person, and indeed Both are said to have visited this mysterious Tor.
One of the most popular books in the last 10 years was the Da Vinci Code. This popularised, in the minds of millions of people around the world, the idea that there is a lost bloodline of Jesus Christ.
As we have seen, Prince William celebrated his XXX birthday this year.
It is said that Prince William is the first child to claim lineage from every English king who has left descendants., musician from the Black Eyed Peas has seen a massive increase in popularity over the past few years, especially in Britain, selling millions of records, appearing on ‘The Voice’, meeting royalty including Prince William and Prince Charles, and featuring in the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations. William? Is this some kind of coded message? His popularity can be seen to energise the symbol of William. If we split the first two names of Prince William name up in the same way we get Will I Am Arthur, I Am Arthur, King Arthur.
Issue 1111 of Hello Magazine in Britain, featured Prince William on the cover, with the tagline ‘The Real Prince’. As can be seen in the pictures below, a bit of photo-shopping has gone on here. His hair has been darkened making him almost change ethnicity. Is he deliberately being made to look like someone from a different ethnic background to make him appeal to those people or unite people of different backgrounds together? His quote on the cover reads: ‘Whatever path our lives take we share a common bond’. This sounds like a unifying sentiment. Are we looking at our future world leader? Anyone familiar with numerology and the significance of the number 1111 will find that one more than a little strange. This number, this 1111 can be found everywhere and much has been written about it. What are the chances he would be on the front of issue 1111 just by chance? This is a man who was also  ‘coincidentally’ made the 1000th member of The Order of the Garter. The number 11 seems to be important to those who are interested in rituals and who value the symbolism of numbers . just happened to be a guest on The Graham Norton show, series 11, episode 11. The supposed end date of the Mayan calendar is December 21st, 2012 at 11:11, also known as the Winter Solstice or, if you are so inclined, the end of the world. If we break the date down numerologically, 21/12/2012 = 2+1+1+2+2+1+2 = 11

Prince William, his ‘moment to shine’?

Princess Diana is quoted, from perhaps unreliable internet sources, as having said: "I believe Wills can rebuild Camelot and I will be his Merlin. We will return to the chivalry, pageantry and glory of King Arthur's court. William will re-make the Monarchy by showing love, leadership and compassion." Whilst not being able to confirm this quote is genuine, it is certainly interesting in light of what we are discussing here.
Princess Diana can be seen as a personification of Isis, the Egyptian goddess, the ‘Queen of Heaven’, the only goddess to be worshipped by all Egyptians. Her official perfume is called Isis and in 2009 a sculpture called Isis was unveiled overlooking the Diana memorial fountain in Hyde Park. The Pont de l’Alma tunnel is where she was killed in what many people see as being suspicious circumstances. The idea of a conspiracy being involved is well documented and seems to be part of the intended stage play. Some consider the death to have been a ritual sacrifice. Indeed the site is supposedly an site of arranged combat dating back to Merovingian times. Two Kings could settle a dispute there with a duel, and the legend says that those killed there went straight to heaven and were actually considered the victor, sitting at the right hand of God and able to manipulate events on earth. 
It is possible that any large, transitional, emotional event might feature a reemergence of Diana. Seen energetically, her death was possibly the largest world-wide, energetic, emotional response ever seen, along with 9/11 and the murder of JFK of course. People almost hypnotically gathered to lay flowers and pay their respects to someone most of them had never met. The flame of liberty outside the Pont de l’Alma can be compared to the olympic flame, representing eternal life, enlightenment and freedom. Her memorial in Hyde park consists of a water fountain with two streams of water joining, symbolically the meeting of East and West. If Diana is the West and Christianity, then Dodi Fayed who died alongside Diana, represents the East, Islam, the Muslim world. Dodi was executive producer of the film Chariots of Fire. Just a coincidence of course. Will we see a uniting of the West and the East, Christianity and Islam, in a pre-planned event designed to shock the world?
Are we seeing a possible ‘trinity event’, as Rik Clay theorised, to move us into the new age, Diana being the mother, the fertility god and William as the son Horus, the Egyptian God of war, and regarded as the protector of the monarchy? Infamous occultist Aleister Crowley said that humanity was entering the new age of Horus, god of the sun, war and protection. The third characteristic is interesting in light of the story of William supposedly saying as a child that he wanted to be a police officer so he could protect his mother.
It is said that Jesus began his ministry at age 30, William was 3o in June 2012.
In the New Testament of the Bible, Angel Gabriel says ‘He shall be great and called the son of the most high… that holy thing that shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God’. The summer solstice is when the sun is most high, and this is the precise day William was born in 1982, on June 21st, the longest day. His birth was induced, he was literally made to be born on that day, the ridiculous excuse being that the birth had to fit around Charles’ Polo playing schedule. He was born at St Mary’s hospital in London just to add to the biblical significance. 
Prince William, future king, was taken to the London premiere of The Lion King in 1994. Was this a film made in honour of his intended future position as King, identified with the Lion? Elton John co-wrote the song ‘I just Can’t Wait to Be King’ for the film also counted himself a close friend of Diana and adapted his song ‘Candle in the Wind’ for her funeral.
In 2008 and 2010 it was announced in the news media that ‘Prince William gets his wings’.
From the Associated Press in 2008: ‘William spent four months with Britain's Royal Air Force learning to pilot helicopters and planes. His study was designed to make him a competent, but not operational, flier. British fighter jet pilots normally spend up to four years under instruction.’
Why bother if he was not going to be an operational pilot? Was this purely a symbolic act?
The Royal Air force patch he obtained can be visually compared to the Horus winged disc, reinforcing his symbolic link to Horus. Are the forces behind William casting him in the role of a Horus-like figure?  William’s time spent in the army, navy and air force combined, seem designed to prepare him for his future role as head of the armed forces, and a kind of symbolic World protector or leader.
The news media told us that everyone was ecstatic about London winning the bid to host the Olympics on July 6th 2005. Videos and pictures of crowds enthusiastically celebrating in news reports convinced us all of its importance. The same day at least 50 people were killed when around 300 UN troops attacked civilians in Port-au-Prince, capital city of Haiti.
The UN ‘operation’ occurred in Cite Soleil, or Sun City, an area of great poverty, and obviously we have the Sun or son being linked to our Prince, in an act of ritual sacrifice perhaps? Port-au-Prince bicentennial  monument is symbolically reminiscent of an Olympic flame in a pyramid without the capstone. The following day came the 7/7 bombings in London, many questions are still unanswered about the attacks which were obviously not quite what they seemed to be, to anyone who has examined the events closely. The bombings came whilst many of the worlds’ leaders were conveniently hundreds of miles away in Scotland at the G8 summit, supposedly solving the problems of poverty and climate change. We are seeing here some extremes in emotions from high energy/excitement/love/life, to low energy/fear/hate/death.
Predictive programming is the seeding of an idea in the public consciousness in order to get a required reaction, or lack of reaction, at some point in the future. It is psychological conditioning.
A possible example of this came prior to the Euro 2012 football competition in Poland and Ukraine. ‘Now TV’ in China released a television advertisement which seems rather disturbingly symbolic. It shows a supercharged football match between a team in blue, and an evil looking team in black, the classic good versus evil idea. The stadium is surrounded by what looks like world war three happening amongst a desolate city-scape, complete with futuristic soldiers dressed in black, tanks and planes dropping bombs. What caught my eye is the destruction of Big Ben, its clock face exploding in full view. 

Big Ben bombed in the disturbing Chinese Now TV advert for Euro 2012.

The oppressive army in black enter the stadium, the team in black then taking on a demonic form, with red eyes and represented by a red dragon or devil-like spirit-guide animal. The blue team rise from the flames and are accompanied by a yellow lion being, this after seemingly receiving help and energy from all the European flags which soar through the sky, intertwining and combining, crashing into the stadium, powering our hero who leads the blue team, whilst causing an earthquake that rips through the pitch. Our leader summons the strength to score the winning goal, defeating the dark evil team.
So we have the blue team, seemingly representing man, perhaps the blue being the current or upcoming new age of Aquarius, fighting the forces of evil in the middle of a war zone complete with the destruction of symbolic monuments including Big Ben in London. We have all the nations of Europe coming together to fight the evil, our heroic leader being represented by a lion, a symbol used by Great Britain and the monarchy, associated with Prince William. A prediction perhaps? These are strange themes for a football advertisement. 
Two other examples of Big Ben destruction symbolism being put out in the media are the fireworks which let in the new year, 2012 in London, and the Combined Disasters playing card from the Illuminati Card Game released in 1995. The first shows what looks like an exploding Big Ben, a strange choice for a firework display, the second shows people dressed in the colours of the  Olympic rings, fleeing from a toppling building which looks a lot like like Big Ben.

Predictive programming? Big Ben on New Years Eve, and the 'Combined Disasters' playing card.

The Lord of the Rings is, at last count, the third best-selling novels ever written. Their creator, J.R.R. Tolkien was obviously interested in the occult, esoteric knowledge and was likely initiated into the mystery schools and secret societies. The story is all about the idea of a corrupting force, symbolised by the wearing of the ring which can be seen to represent the possession of secret knowledge, truth, enlightenment, power. In this fictional world, the one ring has been forged to dominate the rings of power. Fighting for freedom, war and conflict are common themes throughout. This can be likened to the idea of all countries and continents of the world coming together under one world government. The Olympic rings can be seen to represent the five cycles of time from the Mayan calendar. So The Lord of the Rings means the lord of the cycles of time. The last Lord of the Rings film is The Return of the King. Does this symbolise the return of King Arthur in the form of Prince William?
The Olympic bell is inscribed with ‘Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises’, this is a quote from ‘The Tempest’ by William Shakespeare, a play about a tempest or large storm, a prophecy perhaps for forthcoming events? Danny Boyle who is in charge of the opening ceremony has said that The Tempest is also an inspiration for his ‘green and pleasant land’ theme. We are reminded again of Zeus, his being armed with thunder and lightening, able to start storms and tempests by the shaking of his shield. The bell itself was made by Whitechapel Bell Foundry who cast the bell for Big Ben.
Another disaster scenario is the idea that the games could be used to start bio warfare, spectator and athletes from around the world going back home, infected with chemical agents or viruses that they will spread to their homelands, creating a blood-infecting plague-style killer virus. This is  similar to the film ‘28 Days Later, where a deadly, zombie-creating virus that infects humans and featured eerie scenes of empty streets in a post apocalyptic London. Who directed the film? None other than our master of opening ceremonies, Danny Boyle.
The official Olympic 2012 song was written by Muse. Here are the lyrics: 
Race, life is a race / But I’m gonna win / Yes I’m gonna win / And I’ll light the fuse / And I’ll never lose / And I choose to survive / Whatever it takes / You won’t pull ahead / I’ll keep up the pace / And I’ll reveal my strength / To the whole human race / Yes I am prepared
To stay alive / I won’t forgive / Vengeance is mine
And I won’t give in / ‘Cause I choose to thrive / Yeah I’m gonna win
It sounds like war, prophecy, disaster and survival at all costs, fitting in nicely with the rest of the themes discussed so far. Are we looking at a possible 9/11 part 2? Another transformative world changing event?
The Olympics Games is apparently about peace and harmony, but it does nothing to challenge the wars going on around the world, political corruption or poverty. This is an event, organised by the elite, which promotes only the agenda of the elite.
We are seeing the idea that you can buy/compete/watch your way to peace and freedom.
Is it in fact a celebration of power, money, war and ritualistic idol worship through the vehicle of sport?
When we watch the Olympic Games, are we participating in some kind of global magical ritual without realising? 
The ‘event’, the apocalyptic scenario much talked about in relation to the Olympics and indeed to 2012, may take a form nobody has yet considered or prepared for.
It is possible that the Olympics is a massive distraction from something else that is going to happen.
The greatest show on Earth may become the greatest scam on Earth.
There may of course, be no big ‘event’ after all. No act of terrorism, no natural disaster, no alien invasion.
Braced for a big disaster, the danger is that if there is no big event, most people will be relieved and happy to carry on as before, in a society of inequality, materialism and conflict.
If nothing else, the Olympics is an opportunity to question who we are and where we are going.


  1. The clock tower on the "Combined Disasters" card isn't "Big Ben," it's the one on the top of the Ginza Wako building in Tokyo.

    1. Nick, you may be right, it looks perhaps more similar to the one in Tokyo, but that doesn't mean it isn't referring to Big Ben. And the Olympic coloured shirts of the fleeing people seems more than just a coincidence. We will see I guess. What did you think about the rest of the article?

  2. I agree that the games are an opportunity to question things... and you've made some interesting connections with symbols, but I feel that the links you've made between shapes and symbols, being as common as they are in nature and the man-made world, do not necessarily prove anything. Shapes have always carried meaning.. from gothic churches pointing towards 'heaven', to circles seem in stadiums, 'friendship circles' and indeed maybe the olympic rings symbolising the earth, togetherness and community spirit. As with such meanings, they can be interpreted in a number of different ways and just because something is the same shape, or similar, does not prove a new world order.

    I'm not ruling out all of your ideas, and I certainly agree that a ridiculous amount of money has been spent on the games and it's not hard to be cynical about the dominance of corporations evident in every aspect of it, but your writing carries a consistent 'us and them' attitude which I think can be dangerous, because it can give people a victim mentality and discourage them from helping to shape their environments. We all make hundreds of choices every day, and each one has repercussions, in our endlessly globalised world, for others. For example, simply consuming less:

    I'd like to see you suggesting some actions that we can take as humans to bring about change, if you don't like the way things are. I'll start - join Amnesty International if you would like to see more being done about human rights across the world.

  3. Hannah, there is certainly a bit of 'us and them' in the article. The good versus evil dualism is a well known dividing technique, used to justify war throughout the ages. I would say though that if we look at who has created the Olympic Games, the idea and indeed the money behind it, we are talking about a secretive elite group of people, very much out of view and reach of the 'general population' and who very much separate themselves from us as can be seen in Pierre de Coubertin and his wanting to engineer society through competitive sport. Perhaps I don't offer solutions as it is up to the reader to do what he or she thinks is right. I think information such as the above article can empower people to make different choices, like not giving energy or attention to the Olympics for example. I am not a guru or a leader, just someone offering some possibly interesting information, joining some dots up. What people make of it all, or do with the information, is up to them. I am not sure organisations such as Amnesty are the answer. For starters, I would be questioning the involvement of Prince Charles. I think it is up to individuals to come to their own conclusions and set their own course of action rather than organisations leading the way. How many years have groups like Greenpeace or Amnesty been around? What has changed? Do we have less conflict? Less was? Less suffering?

  4. On organisations... Individuals working together result in organisations... it's a good way of getting things done (two pairs of hand vs one, etc). Sure, people have differences in opinions and outlooks but people learn to work with that. Why do you want our opinions on your writing if you think individuals should come to their own conclusions?

    On Amnesty... well, I picked one of many amazing organisations that are achieving fantastic things. Amnesty have freed thousands of prisoners across the world, or rather, the prisoners have been freed after campaigns by amnesty. Prisoners of war, conscience and politics. Yes, guess what, the things you say are corrupt? People have been saying this for a while and some people spend their whole lives dedicated to such causes!

    There's such a paradox here.. by perceiving everything and everyone except yourself to be corrupt you are simultaneously alienating yourself from the idea that others can possibly do good. It makes me sad!

  5. It's always nice when you can not only be informed, but also get knowledge, from these type of site, nice entry. Thanks
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